


NATURE of Algeria
BIRDS of Algeria
MAMMALS of Algeria

Welcome to NATIONAL PARKS WORLDWIDE with the national parks, nature reserves and other protected areas of this country or territory. Most data are public data available from the World Protected Areas Database. The accuracy varies considerably per country and is incomplete for most countries of the world. We have corrected some systematic spelling mistakes related to accents (é, ñ, ê, ö, etc.) for languages that we master (Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, German), but many remain. Whenever the United Nations organization responsible for this Database, the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre in Cambridge improves their data on the protected areas, we will be able to provide you with better data. Or alternatively, if you can fill out the list of your country or a part of it, with the data on the protected areas, we will put them on the webpage for your country. Click here for downloading the little digital form.

NATIONAL PARKS WORLDWIDE is part of NATURE WORLDWIDE with 2000 pages not only on protected areas but also on, birds and mammals as well as nature related links for this country. For the list of birds or mammals of this country or for the links, please press the link at the top.

Bienvenue chez "PARCS NATIONAUX DU MONDE ENTIER" avec les parcs nationaux de ce pays ou territoire. PARCS NATIONAUX DU MONDE ENTIER fait partie de NATURE MONDIAL avec 2000 pages, pas suelement sur les aires protégés mais aussi sur les oiseaux et mammifères aussi bien avec des pages avec des liens relationés a la nature de chaque pays. Pour la liste des oiseaux ou parcs mammifères ou pour les pages des liens, pressez le lien ci-dessus.

Bienvenido a "PARQUES NACIONALES DEL MUNDO ENTERO" con la lista de los parques nacionales, reservas biológicas y otras áreas protegidas de este país o territorio. PARQUES NACIONALES DEL MUNDO ENTERO" es parte de "NATURALEZA DEL MUNDO ENTERO" con 2000 páginas no solo con las áreas protegidas sino también con los aves y de los mamíferos, así como con enlaces relacionados a la naturaleza de este país. Para la lista de los pájaros o de los mamíferos o para la página de los enlaces, haga clique al enlace deseado arriba.

Bemvindo a "ÁREAS PROTEGIDAS DO MUNDO INTEIRO" com a lista das unidade de conservação de este país ou territorio. ÁREAS PROTEGIDAS DO MONDO ENTEIRO" es parte de "NATURALEZA DO MUNDO INTEIRO" com 2000 páginas não somente dos parques nacionais e das reservas naturais mas também com os mamíferos , así como con ligações relacionadas à naturaleza de este país. Pela lista das aves ou dos mamíferos ou pela página de ligações, por favor aperta o link deseado acima.

Willkommen auf "NATIONALPARKE WELTWEIT" mit den Nationalparke und andere Naturgebiete dieses Landes oder Territoriums. NATIONALPARKE WELTWEIT ist Teil von NATUR WELTWEIT mit 2000 Seiten nicht nur über Nationalparke der ganzen Welt, sondern auch mit Listen Vögeln und Saugetieren der ganzen Welt, sowie mit Glieder für dieses Land über die Natur. Für die Liste Vógeln oder Saugetieren oder für die Seite mit Glieder, drücken Sie den Link hieroben.

Welkom by "NATIONALE PARKEN WERELDWIJD" met de lijst van nationale parken en andere natuurgebieden van dit land of gebied. NATIONALE PARKEN WERELDWIJD maakt deel uit van NATUUR VAN DE HELE WERELD met 2000 páginas, niet alleen met de natuurgebieden, maar ook met de soortenlijsten van vogels en zoogdieren van alle landen van de wereld, alsmede met de natuur gerelateerde links voor dit land. Voor de vogels en zoogdieren, of natuurlinks voor dit land, klik de desbetreffende link aan.

How to safe and print a list,

Como imprimir uma/una lista,

Wie eine Liste zu drucken,

Comment imprimir une liste,

Hoe druk je een soortenlijst af

Protected Area Management type Size in hectares Marine area IUCN Category Latitude Longitude
Ahaggar National Park 4,500,000 V 36.127304 -117.163903
Belezma National Park 20,250 36.2366 -121.405431
Beni-Salah Nature Reserve 2,000 36.299794 -115.906201
Djurdjura National Park 18,500 IV 36.164403 -115.538135
El Kala National Park 80,000 IV 36.835276 -118.09151
Macta Nature Reserve 19,750 36.257301 -115.424412
Mascara Hunting Reserve 6,000 III 36.874116 -117.931373
Mergueb Nature Reserve 12,500 36.197863 -115.469553
Reghaia Breeding Station 30 III 36.045575 -116.540529
Tassili N'Ajjer National Park 7,200,000 36.704189 -114.844685
Taza National Park 3,720 36.177426 -118.755013
Theniet el Had National Park 3,610 36.935312 -118.154718

Thank you for visiting Nature Worldwide on Algeria. In this linked net of country pages you can find lists of birds, nature, mammals and national parks. Birds of Algeria provides a checklist of the birds of Algeria. It is a complete birdlist or bird list listing all the birds of Algeria in ornithological taxonomic order. In Nature of Algeria you can find nature related websites, like on birding, birdwatching, general ornithology, nature, nature conservation, national parks, protected areas, nature reserves, etc. In Mammals of Algeria you can find the list of the mammals of Algeria in taxonomic order. National parks, Nature reserves and Protected areas of Algeria provides you with list of all the national parks and other protected areas of Algeria. Click on the following links for our web pages on Algeria. http://www.birdlist.org/algeria.htm http://www.nature-worldwide.info/algeria.htm http://www.mammals-worldwide.info/algeria.htm http://www.nationalparks-worldwide.info/algeria.htm

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NATURE WORLDWIDE is the official website of the World Institute for Conservation and Environment, WICE. It is an integrated network of web sites dealing with different topics on nature, nature conservation and natural resources management. Read here why we created Nature Worldwide. Our Methodology explains how we produced our information. Our Site Map helps you find your way in the website. We made this website out of passion for conservation. We spent our own salaries and free time to gather the information and publish it on these websites, in total valuing hundreds of thousands of dollars of professional time. Nobody pays us to do this. We simply want to contribute to conservation. If you appreciate our work, PLEASE visit our site Adopt A Ranger and see how you can make a difference for conservation most effectively: By paying one day of the salary of a ranger, you will make a difference in conserving the lives of thousands of birds, other critters and entire forests. Enjoy!

NATURE DU MONDE est le site Web officiel du World Institute for Conservation and Environment, WICE, C'est une collection intégrée de sites web qui traitent avec des sujets différents sur nature, conservation de la nature et gestion des ressources naturelles. Lisez ici pourquoi nous avons créé Nature de Monde. Notre Methodologie explique comme nous avons produit nos renseignements. Notre Site Map vous aide trouver votre entrée dans le site web. Beaucoup de plaisir!

NATURALEZA DEL MUNDO es la página Web oficial del World Institute for Conservation and Environment, WICE, Es una red de páginas Web tratando de temas diferentes relacionados a la naturaleza, la conservación el manejo de recursos naturales, parques nacionales y áreas protegidas. Lea aqui porqué hicimos Naturaleza del Mundo. Nuestra Methodología explica como produjimos la información. Nuestro Mapa del sitio le ayuda encontrar su información en nuestra página web. Disfrute!

NATUREZA DO MUNDO é o Web site oficial do World Institute for Conservation and Environment, WICE, Es uma red de páginas Web tratando de temas diferentes relacionados à natureza, la conservação el manejo de recursos naturaleiss, parques nacionais y áreas protegidas. Lea aqui porqué creamos Natureza do Mundo. Nossa Methodología explica como produjimos a informação. Nosso Mapa do sitio le ayuda encontrar sua informação no web site. Desfrute!

NATUR DER GANZEN WELT ist, die offiziellen Website der World Institute for Conservation and Environment, WICE. Es ist ein einheitliches Netzwerk von Web Sites, über Themen wie Natur, Natur-Schutz und natürlichem Ressourcen Quellen Hege. Lesen Sie hier warum wir Natur der ganzen Welt gemacht haben. Unsere Verfahrensweise erklärt, wie wir unsere Informationen produziert würde. Unsere Site Map hilft Ihnen Ihren Weg im Website zu finden. Viel Spaß!

NATUUR UIT ALLE STREKEN is, de officiële Website van het World Institute for Conservation and Environment, WICE. Het is een geïntegreerd Netwerk van websites, over Natuur, Natuurbescherming en het beheer van natuurlijke hulpbronnen. Lesen Sie hier warum wir Natuur uit alle Streken gemacht haben. Onze pagina Methode legt uit, hoe we onze informatie vergaarden. Onze Site Map helpt u op weg door onze website.

WICE is a worldwide non-government non-profit organization that contributes to the conservation of nature. While it works on a many issues related to the conservation of nature and the protection of the environment, it is particularly committed to the conservation of national parks and other protected areas.

WICE - USA office:

1639 Steamboat Run Road

Shepherdstown, WV25443, USA



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